Stephanie Weeks
My Story….
My name is Stephanie Weeks and I received a Breast Cancer Diagnosis when I was only 42 years Old. Triple Negative, Aggressive, Invasive, Stage 3 and it was in my Lymph!. It was like being in the ring with Rocky and taking blow after blow. For some of you reading this that have not been dealt the cancer card (and I hope you never do) you probably do not realize everything comes in steps. You do not get all this information at 1 time. Maybe it is good though because it gives you time to process at each step. For me, I was diagnosed, then the aggressive/invasive, then news of the triple negative, then the news of it spreading to the lymph (how many it spread to). Then you meet doctor to discuss treatment plans. I met several and I urge everyone to. Please do not just go with the 1st one. You may even end up with the 1st one but at least you will proceed with great confidence.
When I told friends and family of this, probably 30 people said, “oh my god! You are the healthiest Person I know.” While that may be true, there is a lesson in every trial and tribulation we go through in life. Among other things the lesson was to slow down and be better at managing stress, NO, reducing stress actually! Seems to me that you can do ALL the things right when it comes to health, nutrition and fitness but if you live in Chronic Stress, it will catch up to you! The “environment” we live in here in the U.S. these days is one that not only supports but promotes ~ never stop, never rest, always running, little sleep, work 24 hours, manage your emails and texts 24 hours, vacation…sure..but you are still expected to answer work calls, texts and emails. It is very sad.
In Many tragedies there are hidden blessings. I knew there was a reason for this. I knew there was a reason for it happening to me. I knew there were lessons to be learned and I DO NOT want to repeat any of them I want to witness, pay attention, find them and grow from it. Here are a couple of them I would love to share in hopes they help or inspire someone even if to feel better for just a minute. That minute can be a blessing!
~ Wear what you want! Even if it is a sparkly princess dress. If it makes you happy do it!
~ Gainng weight: Yep, I said that! The beauty in gaining weight. During treatment, I gained 30 pounds give or take. I am so appreciate of that because I opted for a double mastectomy with reconstruction without implants. If I had not gained the weight, there was not a lot the doctor could pull from because I was 120 pounds at diagnosis and fit. What the surgeons can do is nothing short of amazing! I Love my reconstruction more than what genetics gave me!
~ Slow Down and Rest: I was always pushing through. Some times I did not sleep much if at all. Always working on the to do list. I felt so much responsibility to help others and be there for others and even though I did vacation 2-3 times a years, I was not true rest. I was still expected to and interrupted by “work”
~ There is beauty in the trenches of cancer and cancer treatment: Look for it every where you can! In the flowers sent by loved ones, the notes sent by same, the rides to appointments. Quality time with them during infusions. All the moments you actually slow down and visit with loved ones. Sadly, that does not happen a ton until you’re sick. The smiles from strangers. The insanely dedicated doctors and medical staff. Rosaries received. Prayer groups praying for you. Sweet text messages from friends and family. Fabulous meal trains. Books and angel statutes received. So much LOVE!!!
~ Say no! Do it a lot! Stop putting yourself last. Do Nothing out of obligation. Do it out of love and want. It is ok to say no, I do not have the money for that right now. (Note the way this is worded. Not that you do not have money but you do not have money for that when family wants to borrow). Do not run errands when your list is overflowing. Sleep might be on your list, or rest, or other forms of self care. It is OK to say no when you need to!!!!
~ Take the freaking vacation. NO working. I get it . I promise I do. It is hard. But a health crisis is harder. TRUST ME!!!
~ Do your best. That is good enough. All you can do is your best.
~ No Regrets! You cannot move backward. Only forward. No beating yourself up with woulda, coulda, shoulda. Every new moment is an opportunity for change.
I am happy to say that I am cancer Free and doing well! I am forever changed. There are good days and bad. Many more good than bad and for that I am grateful! Through nutrition, exercise, vitamin drips, colonics, juicing, etc. I am happy to say that I am back to my diagnosis weight. More importantly, I feel great! I look forward to being 105 years old running a marathon wearing a tutu!!