“Hope is truly the best of things, and Twisted Pink continues to fuel my hope and the hope of all of us living with metastatic breast cancer.”
Jennifer Alderman
September 29, 1975 - May 28, 2021
Jennifer Casey Alderman Scholarship Award
Award Objective
Jennifer was originally diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer in 2009 and experienced a metastatic recurrence of stage IV breast cancer in 2013. Jennifer’s primary focus throughout her cancer journey was always raising her children, Casey, Connor, and Riley. She had a passion for watching their multiple sporting events and also enjoyed travel and attending concerts. She was a founding patient advocate with the Twisted Pink organization and dedicated her life living with metastatic breast cancer advocating on better outcomes for people living with the disease through research and supporting the mission of Twisted Pink.
Twisted Pink, along with the family and closest friends of Jennifer Alderman, will honor her legacy and recognize her lifelong dream of being a constant and present figure in her children’s life with the annual Jennifer Casey Alderman Legacy Scholarship Award.
This annual award will provide one young adult with a $10,000 scholarship to seek a higher education. Scholarship recipients are eligible to receive $2500 annually throughout their undergraduate career. Award recipients must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher to maintain annual eligibility. Any funds in excess will support research for metastatic breast cancer in Jennifer’s memory. We will strive to find and support research on leptomeningeal disease, which is ultimately what took Jennifer’s life. The annual scholarship award will be presented each year on May 28, 2021; the date that Jennifer entered eternal life.
Applicant Qualifications
Twisted Pink will consider nominations from a young adult who has lost a parent to metastatic breast cancer or has financial hardship due to a parent currently living with metastatic breast cancer and wishes to seek a higher education as a post high school graduate. At this time scholarship applications will be considered from individuals living in IN, KY, OH or TN.
To apply for the Jennifer Casey Alderman Legacy Scholarship, please submit a written essay about the subject of your choice, no more than five pages in length. Applicant should include proof of nominee qualifications either in the form of an obituary, copy of death certificate or a signed letter from the parents’ medical oncologist. The annual application deadline is April 15th and should be submitted to:
Twisted Pink – Jennifer Casey Alderman Legacy Scholarship Award
8016 Vinecrest Avenue #2 , Louisville, KY 40222
Email Applications will be accepted at info@twistedpink.org with the Subject Line: Jennifer Casey Alderman Legacy Scholarship Award.
Robert L Delaby Scholarship Award
On December 17, 2020, Robert L. Delaby was born into eternal life after a tragic accident at the young age of 50 years old. Rob was the owner and Creative Architect of Oasis Outdoor Living and Landscapes, where he was an expert in landscape and construction design with multiple certifications and awards. In addition to his professional pursuits, Rob was an active and faithful contributor to Twisted Pink and metastatic breast cancer research in support of his friend Jennifer Alderman, who lives with metastatic breast cancer. Rob’s charity and kindness towards others remain his legacy. He was especially generous and a passionate volunteer with Twisted Pink, where he contributed vast amounts of support both in time, talent, and treasure to advance outcomes for people living with metastatic breast cancer.
Twisted Pink along with friends and family of Rob wish to keep his legacy of charity and support of good works alive through the Robert L. Delaby Legacy Scholarship Award.
Nominee Qualifications
Three patient advocates will be selected to receive a $2500 travel grant to attend the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. The dates of SABCS will be December 10-14, 2024, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, 900 E. Market Street, San Antonio, TX 78205 USA.
Each applicant must register and make their own travel and hotel arrangements for SABCS and provide proof of attending through receipts and a written article about the experience. Twisted Pink will reimburse up to $2500 for attendance within a week of the symposium.
Nominations will be considered from individuals living with metastatic breast cancer through this online form and we will place high emphasis on applicants who have advocacy experience and training through programs such as NBCC Project LEAD or AACR Scientist Survivor Program.
Must be a person currently living with metastatic breast cancer and able to show proof of diagnosis. This can be a letter from your oncology practice or a copy of your medical records showing a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis. September 1, 2024. We will announce our scholarship winners on October 1, 2024.
Questions? Email us at info@twistedpink.org